Betting "sure things" in Canada – why it’s a recipe for disaster 😂


Here’s a cautionary tale for all my fellow Canadian bettors: last week, I fell for the classic “sure thing” trap. My buddy was so confident about a horse he called a “guaranteed win,” so I threw $50 on it. Care to guess the outcome? Dead last. Not even close. 😭

Lesson learned: in gambling, there’s no such thing as a sure thing, no matter how good it sounds. Honestly, I think the phrase should just be banned at this point.

What about you guys? Any hilarious (or painful) stories of “can’t lose” bets gone sideways? Let’s hear them – misery loves company, right?
Man, I’ve been there! A ‘can’t lose’ bet on a hockey game last year turned into a total blowout loss. Sports and guarantees just don’t mix!