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  1. J

    What are your favorite best blackjack sites?

    Hey guys, am always on the hunt for solid spots to play blackjack online though I still have a couple of favorite casinos I stick to. These are what I currently consider the best blackjack sites but am always open to more recs from other players. Let me know what yall think. Ignition: my...
  2. J

    Best Bitcoin Betting Sites: Crypto Betting Sites Rated for Odds & Bonuses 2024

    Some things just aren’t up for debate. Tom Brady is better than Peyton Manning. Michael Jordan is better than Lebron James. And cryptocurrency is better than fiat. There, I said it. And it’s especially true when it comes to betting with crypto. Playing at the best Bitcoin betting sites blows...
  3. J

    10 Best Sportsbook Promos in 2024 - My Top Picks

    Hey there! If you’re like me, you know how sportsbook promos can make online sports betting so much more fun! I've been betting on sports for over 10 years and I'm still always on the lookout for new sportsbook bonuses. The thing is, sites update their sports betting promos all the time. So I...