Has anyone tried a good baccarat simulator?

I've been experimenting with a few baccarat simulator options lately, and I have to say, it's been quite the exercise in probability. I tend to avoid pure chance games, but something about baccarat's structure makes me want to analyze it like a physics equation.

The baccarat online simulator versions I’ve tried vary wildly. Some focus purely on gameplay mechanics, while others attempt to replicate the full casino experience. The problem? Most don't accurately reflect real odds, especially in mini baccarat where the speed of play can throw off expectations. I ran a few tests, betting the same way over multiple rounds, and the simulated card distributions felt... off.

For those who like controlled testing, are there any online baccarat simulator options that actually give a realistic probability breakdown? The last thing I want is a simulator that teaches the wrong patterns. Ideally, I’d love something free where I can play baccarat for study, not just entertainment.