Has playing other poker variations messed with your Texas Hold'em game?


Curious if anyone else has had this issue—I’ve been playing a ton of Omaha cash games online, and now my Texas Hold’em game feels totally off.

I find myself overestimating my opponents' hands all the time. In Omaha, non-nut hands are rarely winners, so I instinctively think everyone’s sitting on monsters. Bluffing also works differently there—usually tied to blockers—which throws me off completely when switching back to Hold’em.

For example, in a live game, I had AQ with a flop of QJ8 rainbow. Faced a bet and a raise to all-in, and I folded! Turns out one player had KQ and the other Q7. 😅 Would’ve been an easy win, but my brain was stuck in Omaha mode.

Anyone else struggle switching between games?