I folded a winning hand


I’ll never forget a live poker game I played at a fundraiser a few years ago. It was one of those casual nights where everyone was just there for fun. I’d been holding my own pretty well when I was dealt a pair of 7s. The flop wasn’t great, and I started second-guessing myself. One of the players across the table gave off such a confident vibe that I folded before the turn.

Turns out, I had folded a full house by the river! 🙈 The room erupted when they flipped my cards over, and I just laughed it off with everyone else. It was a bit embarrassing, but honestly, moments like that are why I love live poker. It’s not just the game but the people and the stories you walk away with.

Anyone else ever have a “what was I thinking” moment at the table?
Ugh, folding a winning hand is the ultimate betrayal of your own instincts! 😅 Been there too. What made you decide to fold in the moment?