Losing a pile with AA

Oh man, today was brutal. Playing a $1/3 NL cash game, $1K effective, and ran into one of those nightmare spots.

I’m in the big blind, sweating bullets after losing my first buy-in earlier (QQ into KK, fun times). So when I look down at A❤️A♦️, I’m ready to pile.

UTG opens $15.
UTG+1 flats $15.
Folds around to this aggro gambler in the CO, who makes it $75.

I decide to 4-bet to $185 with $1K behind.

UTG folds, but UTG+1 shoves and covers me. Same guy who cooked me earlier with KK. CO folds, and I snap-call without hesitation. He suggests running it twice, and I agree.

I flip my A❤️A♦️, just to keep the suspense low. He doesn’t show his cards.

Board 1: K5567
Board 2: K23Q8

He slams the table like he just won the lottery and flips K❤️K♣️. Two boards. Two sets. Two kick-in-the-teeth coolers.

Walked away stone-faced, trying not to let my spine snap in half.

So, math wizards—what are the odds of this mess? AA vs KK, losing on both boards to a set. Just curious if I’m living in a one-in-a-million simulation or if this happens more than I’d like to think. 🤮🤢

Feel free to rub salt in the wound—I’m already numb.