Things I wish I knew before I started betting


Active member
I just stumbled on this forum and thought I'd share a few things I wish someone had told me when I first started betting. Hopefully, it will help some of you avoid the same mistakes I made.
- Bet small. Don't get caught up in the big wins you see online. Those are the exception, not the rule. Start small and build your bankroll slowly. Trust me, losing $5 hurts a lot less than losing $50.
- Shop for lines. Different sportsbooks offer different odds, so don't be lazy. Spending an extra five minutes checking around can make a difference, especially in the long run.
- found a too-good-to-be-true bet? it probably is too good to be true then. when the obvious favorite on the money line is for some reason on anything worse than -200 for example, bookies are doing this for a reason, at least in my experience. Don't fall for the trap and put a large bet!

That’s pretty much it. hope this helps some of you out. Im sure I didnt get everything but these are the most imoportsnt things ive picked up through the years.
Yep yep, 100% on the ‘too good to be true’ part. Anytime I see odds that look way off, I get suspicious. Those are the setups that’ll drain your bankroll fast if you’re not careful. Ever gotten burned by one of those traps?
Yes, I agree, especially about line shopping. I’ve saved so much over time by just checking a couple of sites. Consistency pays off in the end.
I just stumbled on this forum and thought I'd share a few things I wish someone had told me when I first started betting. Hopefully, it will help some of you avoid the same mistakes I made.
- Bet small. Don't get caught up in the big wins you see online. Those are the exception, not the rule. Start small and build your bankroll slowly. Trust me, losing $5 hurts a lot less than losing $50.
- Shop for lines. Different sportsbooks offer different odds, so don't be lazy. Spending an extra five minutes checking around can make a difference, especially in the long run.
- found a too-good-to-be-true bet? it probably is too good to be true then. when the obvious favorite on the money line is for some reason on anything worse than -200 for example, bookies are doing this for a reason, at least in my experience. Don't fall for the trap and put a large bet!

That’s pretty much it. hope this helps some of you out. Im sure I didnt get everything but these are the most imoportsnt things ive picked up through the years.
Totally agree with your points, especially about starting small. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype and go too big too fast, learned that the hard way early on. Also, yeah, I’ve fallen for one of those “too good to be true” traps more than once. Sometimes it’s better to trust your gut and skip it if it feels off.