Anyone else get stuck in a “one more spin” cycle?


I know I’m not the only one who keeps saying ONE.MORE.SPIN. and then... an hour later, I’m still playing 😂 and repeating one.more.spin. It’s like the slot machines have some magical power that makes it impossible to stop! Last night I told myself I was done, but then the reels kept looking so promising, and boom-I ended up staying up WAY later than I should have.

How do you guys know when it’s time to stop? Asking for a friend 😅
It's a horrible loop, but there's definitely a way out. What helps me is that instead of saying "one more spin," I tell myself that I'll spin five more times and that's it. This somehow always works. So when you are at the point where you would tell yourself "one more spin," simply go with 5.

Hope this helps!