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Oh boy, this one’s burned into my brain and I just remembered that AGAIN. A couple of months ago, I was at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, Florida, just minding my business playing a round of themed video slots. It was one of those nights where people seemed more frustrated than usual—maybe the machines weren’t paying out enough. Anyway, this guy at a slot machine a couple rows down starts yelling at the screen like it owed him money. Totally losing it. Then—get this—he straight-up spits on the machine!
Like a full-on glob right on the glass.
The staff had to come over, and they didn’t look too thrilled about cleaning that up, but the guy wasn’t even embarrassed. He just muttered something about the machine being rigged and stormed off. Honestly, it was disgusting, and it threw me off my groove for the night. I couldn’t stop thinking about it—like, what kind of person does that? Have any of you seen someone go completely off the rails while gambling? I’ve seen people slam the machines or walk out cursing, but that was a whole other level.

The staff had to come over, and they didn’t look too thrilled about cleaning that up, but the guy wasn’t even embarrassed. He just muttered something about the machine being rigged and stormed off. Honestly, it was disgusting, and it threw me off my groove for the night. I couldn’t stop thinking about it—like, what kind of person does that? Have any of you seen someone go completely off the rails while gambling? I’ve seen people slam the machines or walk out cursing, but that was a whole other level.